About Us
OSHaRE is a non profit, charitable community organization that has come together to serve the people of Owen Sound & area by providing one evening meal a day – Monday to Friday – for those in need.
During COVID we have seen a 300% increase in the number of meals needed for guests.
We are presently incorporated with the Province of Ontario and a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency #81778 8482 RR0001. All donations to OSHaRE of $10 or more will be issued a tax receipt.
We are made up of caring people from every walk of life who have one thing in common: The desire to make a difference by feeding those who find themselves in need.
Everything is accomplished through hard working volunteers, qualified staff and generous community supporters. We depend upon the collective community taking joint ownership of the needs around us everyday.
Our Board of Directors
- Geoff Amer
- Maureen Kemp
- Nancy Mohr
- Pat McDonough
- Sandy Barfoot
- Evelyn Klemm
- Gene Rear
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How did this initiative get started?
Q. Why was this direction taken instead of getting behind one already existing?
Q. Have you looked at other models in other communities while doing your research?
Q. What other community service agencies have been consulted?
Q. Is this solely a faith based organization?
Q. Is OSHaRE incorporated? A charity registered with the Canada Revenue Agency?
A. Yes. We are a non profit organization incorporated with the Province of Ontario. We have charitable status with the Canada Revenue Agency and are fully able to issue tax receipts for donations. Tax receipt will be issued for donations of $10 or more at the beginning of the following year.